The Channels list shows all the Channels of which you are either a member, moderator, or owner. The list will provide the following information for each Channel:
Channel Name
Channel Subject (if applicable)
Your role within the Channel
Whether the Channel is public or private
To search for available Channels, click the search icon:
By default, you will be presented with an alphabetically sorted list of all available Channels. You may join public channels from this list or further refine your search in the Channel search field.
Note: You must be added to private Channels by the Channel moderator or owner.
Once you begin entering text into the search field the list will automatically filter the results based on your search input.
The Channels List provide an Actions︙button for quick Channel actions, the available actions within this menu differ depending on your role within that specific Channel.
As a Channel member, Channel Actions are limited to opening the Channel content and leaving the Channel as a member.
As a Channel moderator or owner you may open the Channel Management section or delete the Channel completely.
Warning: Deleting a Channel can not be undone and a deleted Channel can not be recovered by Accent Technical Support.