The Connect Settings menu provides access to a variety of options for personalization of the app's communications features specific to cloud phone and messaging.
Play message notifications controls whether a sound will play when a message is received.
Play call notifications controls whether the ringtone will play when a call is received.
Enable push notifications for one-to-one chats controls the receipt of message notifications for direct chat messages.
Enable push notifications for channels controls the receipt of notifications for channels of which the user is a member.
Enable vibration notifications controls whether the device will vibrate when a message is received, note the device must support vibration notifications.
Show in-app pop-up notifications controls whether a pop-up notification will be shown within the application when a message is received.
Show desktop notifications controls whether to show pop-up desktop OS notifications when a message is received.
Disable all application notifications will disable all notifications.
Forward all calls made to my office extension will forward all the calls made to your PBX extension to the number defined in Redirect callers to
Forward calls when my office phone is busy will forward calls made to your extension to the phone number specified in Redirect callers to when your office phone is busy
First name allows you to add your first name to your User Profile (mandatory field)
Last name allows you to add your last name
Company allows you to add your company name
Email address allows you to add email address
Mobile allows you to add your mobile phone
Office allows you to add your office phone number
Home allows you to add your home phone
Other allows you to add another type of phone to your User Profile
Changing the current password. Type a new password in New password, repeat the new password in Confirm new password, type current password in New password and press Save button to change your current password.
This section allows you to specify call screening rules for calls to your office extension and enable Call Screening.
You may specify call screening options for calls with or without a caller ID.
For calls with a caller ID you can request that the callers announce themselves. You can also enter a list of caller ID's for any number you would like to exclude from call screening rules.
For calls without caller ID you can request the callers announce themselves and/or enter their caller ID.
You can combine Call Screening with Find Me / Follow Me. If you would like to hear callers' announcements while receiving a forwarded call you should check “Play caller announcement while in follow-me mode “.
Note that you can enter the information once and then “Enable” or “Disable” Call Screening as needed.
You can specify call blocking options for calls with or without a caller ID.
For calls with a caller ID the options are “Block” or “Allow”.
If you are blocking calls, you can enter the caller ID of callers to be excluded from blocking.
If you are not blocking all calls you can enter caller ID of callers that you would like to block.
For calls without caller ID the options are simply “Block” or “Allow”.
You can specify how the blocked calls are to be handled by choosing from the list of “When blocking calls” options.
Note that you can enter the information once and then “Enable” or “Disable” Call Blocking as needed.
Enable voicemail allows you to enable voicemail service.
Send caller to voicemail if my phone is not answered in allows you to set the number of seconds to wait before the caller calling your extension will be redirected to voicemail if phone is not answered.
Mailbox PIN sets a PIN for accessing your voicemail.
Notify by email about new voicemail enables email notification to defined below email address when a new voicemail is received.
Attach messages to email sets an option to attach voicemail audio file to email notifications.
Delete after delivery sets an option to delete voicemail records after email notification were sent.
Send notifications to secondary email address allows you to specify additional email address for notifications.
Language selection of currently supported languages:
Visual appearance
Show Chat menu when a chat or a Channel is opened controls whether the Chat or Channel Menu will be open when Chat or Channel windows are open
Display avatars (pictures) in chat controls whether to show profile pictures in one-to-one Chat windows
Display file and video previews in chat controls whether to show preview of images and video clips sent to a Chat or a Channel
Color scheme allows to select colors for the application and includes:
Date and Time Format defines how to show time:
Time format allows you to set time display format (e.g. 8:24:39 PM)
Day format allows you to set day display format (e.g. 06/22/2018)
Full date format allows you to set full date display format (e.g. 2018-06-22 20:24)
Create a shortcut to lookup a number using a URL of third-party service. Use ${PHONE} placeholder for the entire phone or ${PHONE(1,3)} to use specific digits in the number. You may also use 1-${PHONE(1,3)}-${PHONE(4,6)}-${PHONE(7)} or more sophisticated patterns.
Allows you to set an option for what happens after you click Call button in Chat window.
Allow phone number editing will allow to edit number before initiating a call.
Call immediately will start a call immediately
Select which phone number (work, extension, etc) will be used for default actions throughout the application.
This should always be set to United States of America unless otherwise directed by Accent's technical support team.
This section allows you to specify additional call forwarding rules in case the simple Call Forwarding does not satisfy a your requirements.
You can specify up to 5 phone numbers which can be either dialed at the same time or sequentially.
You can specify whether the phone associated with your extension will be called or not, and whether the numbers will be called simultaneously or one after another.
Find Me / Follow Me can be enabled for all callers, or only calls from certain numbers will be forwarded by specifying the caller ID of these callers. You can also specify a time range (created by an administrator) to limit when Find Me / Follow Me rules will be in effect.
Note: You can enter the information you use frequently (for example a list of numbers for Find Me / Follow Me) and then “Enable” or “Disable” it as needed.
Call audio input source allows you to set the audio input device for phone calls.
Call audio output destination allows you to set the audio output device for phone calls.
Video source allows you to set the device for one-to-one video calls.
Notifications audio output destination allows you to set the audio output device for application notifications.
To start a test of current audio and video settings, click on Test configuration. Click Stop test to stop the test once it has begun.
Note: This setting does not control the video source for , that is controlled separately within the video meeting interface.
Currently Call Recording applies only to calls to/from phone numbers and calls to your PBX extension only. Direct Calls to/from the app are not included in recorded calls.
Record all calls will enable recording of all the incoming and outgoing calls.
Record internal incoming calls enables recording only of internal incoming calls.
Record internal outgoing calls enables recording only of internal outgoing calls.
Record external incoming calls enables recording only of external incoming calls.
Record external outgoing calls enables recording only of external outgoing calls.
Record by pressing a key sequence *9 will allow you to start recording calls by pressing *9 on dialpad.