In-Meeting More Actions Menu
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The in-meeting More Actions menu provides a variety of options and additional actions from which a participant and host may choose. These options are designed to give users access to advanced features, access additional meeting information, or make changes to personal settings.
Pictured below, the More Actions menu provides access to advanced meeting features including:
Participants Menu: The features of the Participants Menu are detailed below in a dedicated section of this guide.
Enable low bandwidth mode: Disables inbound and outbound video streams to/from your device to conserve bandwidth.
Security Options: Allows a meeting moderator to enable Lobby Mode and set a meeting password.
Share Video: Used to share a YouTube video or publicly available video to the group. This option will play the video to the meeting participants.
Speaker Stats: Displays the amount of time each participant has spoken during the meeting.
Enter Tile View: Displays the meeting participants video in a tiled view.
Clicking the Participants menu option from the More Actions menu will provide additional participant-based features. These features along with a sample picture of the menu are detailed below.
Invite Someone: Provides the ability to invite people to the meeting via calling a 10-digit phone number or sharing the meeting invitation details via text, email, or other app.
Meeting Participants List: Shows a list of all current meeting attendees. Click on an individual attendees name will provide additional options detailed below.
Mute All: Mutes all current meeting attendees, available for users with moderator status only.
More Options (Available to moderators only): Provides additional options to
Stop all meeting participants from transmitting video
Allow attendees to unmute themselves and start their own video
Clicking on a participant's name provides additional interaction features available between you and the participant. Please note many of the features listed below are only available to meeting moderators.
Ask to unmute: Sends a notification to the participant asking to unmute their microphone.
Mute/Muted: Provides the ability to mute the participant or shows if the participant is currently muted.
Mute everyone else: Will mute all other meeting participants except this participant, allowing them to be the only speaker.
Disable camera/Camera disabled: Disables the participants video feed to the other meeting participants.
Kick out: WIll remove the participant from the meeting immediately.
Grant Moderator Rights: Promotes the participant to moderator status for the duration of the meeting or until rights are removed.
Show on stage: Will promote the participants video as the featured video to all meeting participants.
Send private message: Initiates a private chat between you and the participant.
Connection info: Provides connection quality information specific to that participant.